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The configurations in this page can be set from several sources in the following order:

  1. the operating system's environment variables; for instance, an environment variable can be set with export NEO4J_URI="bolt://db:7687"
  2. the Java system properties; for example, a Java system property can be set using System.setProperty("NEO4J_URI", "bolt://db:7687")
  3. a .yaml file placed under CLASSPATH. This file can be put under src/main/resources source directory with contents, for example, uri: bolt://db:7687

Core Properties


The following configurations can be placed in the properties file called application.yaml

  • username: Persistence DB username (needs have both Read and Write permissions).
  • password: The persistence DB user password.
  • uri: The persistence DB URL, such as "bolt://db:7687".
  • database: The persistence DB database name:

There are two editions of self-managed Neo4j to choose from, the Community Edition (CE) and the Enterprise Edition (EE). The Enterprise Edition includes all that Community Edition offers, plus extra enterprise requirements such as backups, clustering, and failover capabilities.

After Neo4j is updated to 4.× and the service is started, two libraries are available by default, as shown in the following figure. The directory is also changed to data/databases/, where the neo4j database is the default library after login. Official introduction:

  • system: System database, containing metadata for database management systems and security configurations;
  • neo4j: The default database, a single database of user data. Its default name is neo4j.

If you are using the EE and have created multiple databases, you need to modify the database to the name of the database you created.